History of our mountain hostel

year 1930

German tourist organization called Beskiden-Verein begins construction of the mountain hostel on the hillside of Lipowski Wierch


year 1931

the hostel commences its activities, however, the construction still continues – it will not be finished until the next year. The hostel is named after dr Edward Stonawski – in honor of the president of Bielsko-Biała’s division of Beskiden-Verein



during the Second World War, the hostel was not often visited. It fulfilled the role of encampment site for German soldiers who left the place with the end of 1944


year 1946

more than a year after the war the hostel is abandoned. During that time the hostel is being devastated and robbed. Afterwards, the place is taken over by Żywiec’s Division of Polish Tourist Society (PTT) which conducts necessary redecoration – after this the hostel resumes its activities.


year 1953

the place is in an extremely bad condition. It is taken over by Tourist Services Company of Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK)


year 1969

Maria and Zbigniew Gowin become the hosts of the hostel


year 1973

the major modernization of the hostel along with the adjacent infrastructure begins


year 1976

the hostel is closed for tourism. For the modernization period, Gowins are given directorship over the newly opened PTTK’s shepherd’s hut on Krawców Wierch.


year 1980

modernization of the mountain hostel is finished and the hostel commences its tourism activities. Only stone underpinning is left from the old building.


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